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Giving Dawah is tough, particularly with each passing day. Somehow, everyday, I come across something flashing 'DON'T JUDGE ME". At first, I thought it was fair enough (at least in some cases), but lately this 'Don't Judge Me' phenomenon has gripped almost all Muslims.
I've tweeted quite a lot about correcting our Hijab on Twitter, and almost each time, I get a reply tweet from a sister/brother saying 'You have no right to judge us, only Allah does'. Of course I agree with it, I've no right to judge anyone and Allah is the only Judge, but it's your duty and mine to tell others about what's right and wrong. And when I try to get this explained... well the results are just not satisfactory.
Allah says ''So admonish/remind them that maybe the reminder will be of benefit and as for him who fears Allah he will be reminded but as for the wretched one he will turn away'' [Quran 87:9-11]
"You are the best nation amongst mankind because you command the good (Islam), you forbid evil (sins), and you believe in Allah [ Surat Al 'Imran, 110]
Prophet Muhammad (sallalhu alaihi wasallam) said "If you see a munkar (unislamic act), you change it with your hand; and if you cannot do that, then change it with your mouth (speak out against it); and if you cannot do that, then forbid it in your heart; and that is the least of belief."
So you see, enjoining good, encouraging others towards good and advising them against going in the wrong path is the duty of a Muslim. In Dawah, no one is judging no one. We just want to correct the mistakes.
I've mostly seen this 'Don't Judge Me' paranoia with regard to the Hijab. For example, if you quote this Hadith "There will be women who will be dressed but they will be naked. Their heads will be like the humps of camels. They will not enter Jannah and will not even smell the scent of Jannah while it can be smelt from a far distance.'' [Sahih Muslim] to enlighten Muslim women about the recent "Camel-Hump Hijab Style", they naturally bring on the 'Don't Judge Me' talk. If we know a sin, and don't prevent others from doing it, we are all responsible of answering to Allah- the real Judge- on the Day of Judgement.
And again, advising sisters not to adorn their Hijab, wear tight-fitting clothes, cake their faces with 5 layers of make-up and stop interacting with non-mahrams, is almost always sure to end up with a barrage of 'Don't Judge Me's". They say that maybe they wear that way, but they may be closer to Allah than us. Of course I agree with that. We're not talking about the level of closeness of that person to Allah. What we're trying to correct is their way of wearing the Hijab. We can't cut through someone's heart to see their level of Imaan but just remember this: If you have real Imaan, you'd want to dress the way Allah wants you to. You'd wear the proper Hijab and maintain that Hijab throughout your life.
If saying 'Dont Judge Me' is your way of expressing "If I commit a sin, it is between me and my God; so stay out of my business!", then may Allah guide you. If Islam asks us to encourage good and forbid evil and do Dawah, it sure is going to be difficult if everyone is going to say 'Don't Judge Me'.
There are some instances where you have to say 'Don't judge me', as in when someone tries to judge your actions rather than your intentions, but there's a way of saying it. For example, even if it's Dawah, you shouldn't go about a person who hasn't yet prayed his/her Asr prayers and tell them, "You didn't pray Asr yet? What kind of Muslim are you?" or somewhere along that line. Rather, you should make them feel comfortable with your Dawah by saying, "I'm going to pray my Asr Salah. You want to join me?" That's Dawah, and that's what will help our Muslims everywhere.
Some people say that the Islam is in the hearts, not in the beard or Hijab. What they clearly fail to understand is that when Islam is in the heart, the Hijab and beard follow automatically.
I'm sorry if what I've said has hurt anyone in any way, but honestly, I've tried to ignore all this 'Don't judge me's". Yet, after seeing this trend picking up faster and faster, I thought it's best if I addressed it now, so that hopefully In Sha Allah, we'd have more Muslims accepting their mistakes and correcting it rather than saying 'Don't judge me' and continuing with that sin.
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